Student Centered-Learning
Interdisciplinary Thematic Curriculum
The Project Approach
Integrated Levels of Development
Multi-Intelligence Methods
Co-Teacher Support System


As most of our curriculum is theme based, it gives our students a wide knowledge base to develop their different intelligences.

Stories and songs: that relate to the theme topic are carefully selected.

Art, dance, music and PE courses are fully integrated with the theme topic.

Classroom corner activities are designed to encourage them to use touch, smell or other sensory systems to explore based on their topics. The corners also include a variety of subjects such as math and science

Group Discussions: with the varying age levels in the classrooms. Students are encouraged to make suggestions, negotiate, problem solve and express their ideas in the group. This experience helps students to apply critical thinking and build confidence to speak in front of others as well as leadership.

Field Trips: field trips are arranged for the students every month. On these occasions, students can get first-hand experiences of what they are learning. These outings can be valuable experiences for young learners. They can examine their topic closely, ask questions, find answers and record what they see with drawings or photographs.

Parental involvement: Information gathering exercises are suggested to encourage parents to become involved in the project at home. On some occasions parents are invited as guest speakers.

Audio-visual and computer classes: multimedia is carefully selected to connect with the theme.